File No. 7666/1.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Officers of the United States in countries of the Western Hemisphere.
Washington, July 30, 1907.
Gentlemen: The Director of the Bureau of the American Republics, speaking also for the governing board of the bureau, has [Page 841] expressed to the Department of State the opinion that it would be helpful to the adequate representation of the several American Republics at the third international sanitary convention to be held at Mexico, December 2–7, 1907, if the representatives of the United States at the capitals of these Republics should discuss with the ministers for foreign affairs and with local sanitary officers the importance of the gathering in question.
Duplicate copies, in English and Spanish, of a pamphlet setting forth the convocation of the third international sanitary convention and documents relating thereto are inclosed herewith.
Inasmuch as the convention is to be held at the City of Mexico, the Mexican Government has undoubtedly taken all appropriate steps to encourage the attendance of representatives of the governments concerned. These governments have doubtless received full information on the subject through the Bureau of the American Republics, their representatives at Washington, and from the chairman of the international sanitary bureau here. Nevertheless, you may take a convenient opportunity to discuss the matter in the manner suggested by the Bureau of American Republics, since the project is one which this Government regards as of interest and importance to all American Republics.
I am, etc.,