File No. 3532/19–20.
franco-liberian agreement.
Minister of foreign affairs.
The Government of the French Republic and the Government of the
Republic of Liberia being desirous of fixing definitively the limits
of French West Africa and of Liberia, but recognizing that the
clauses of the accord of December 8, 1892, concluded to this end are
materially impossible of application, have decided, by common
accord, not to have recourse to theoretic lines for the
establishment of the frontier, but to utilize to the greatest
possible extent the natural topographical lines most appropriate to
prevent all possible contestations in the future and to assure an
effective domination on both sides, and have to this effect
designated as their plenipotentiaries to conclude an arrangement—
- The Government of the French Republic:
- M. Gustave Binger, director at the ministry of the
- M. Soulange-Bodin, minister plenipotentiary, under
director at the ministry of foreign affairs.
- The Government of the Republic of Liberia:
- M. Frederic E. R. Johnson, minister of foreign
- M. J. P. Crommelin, chargé d’affaires of the Republic of
Liberia at Paris.
- The Franco-Liberian frontier would be constituted by:
- 1.
- The left bank of the river Makona, from the entry
of this river into Sierra-Leone to a point to be
determined about 5 kilometers south of
- 2.
- A line starting from this last-named point,
proceeding southeastward, leaving to the north the
following villages: Koutoumai, Kissi-Koutoumai,
Soundebou, N’Zapa, N’Zébéla, Koiama, Banguédou, and
rejoining a source of the river Nuon or one of its
tributaries to be determined on the spot at a
maximum of 10 kilometers to the south and in the
vicinity of Lola. In this section of the frontier
the line to be drawn should avoid separating the
villages of a tribe, under tribe (sous-tribu) or
grouping, and utilize as much as possible the
natural topographical lines, such as the course of
brooks and rivers.
- 3.
- The right bank of the river Nuon as far as its
confluence with the Cavalry.
- 4.
- The right bank of the Cavalry as far as the
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In case the river Nuon should not be a tributary of the Cavally, the
right bank of the Nuon would form the boundary line only as far as
the surroundings of Toulepleu; at and to the south of the suburbs of
this village the boundary line would be drawn between the Nuon and
the Cavally in the general direction of the parallel of this point,
but so as not to separate the villages of the same tribe, subtribe,
or grouping, and to utilize the natural topographical lines from the
intersection of this parallel with the river Cavally, the boundary
line would be constituted by the right bank of the river Cavally as
far as the sea.
Article 2.
In order to keep up an efficacious police along the frontier, the
Liberian Government will assume the obligation of establishing a
certain number of posts, which the French authorities will have the
faculty of occupying should the resources of the Liberian Government
not allow them to maintain a garrison itself at that moment. The
number and the position of these posts will be determined on the
spot by common accord at the moment of the fixing of the boundary;
the force of each will not exceed 40 to 50 men.
It is understood that the Liberian Government will give the French
authorities notice two months in advance of its intention to occupy
the post or posts above referred to and that the post or posts will
be handed over within five days following the arrival of the
Liberian police forces.
Article 3.
Navigation on the waterways forming the frontier shall be free and
open to traffic, both to French citizens and to Liberian subjects
and citizens.
France will have the right to undertake, at its own expense, in the
course or on either bank of the rivers in question, works which
might be necessary to render them navigable or improve their
navigability, it being always understood that this fact will in no
way effect the right of sovereignty belonging to the Republic of
Liberia on the bank which it occupies. In case the works executed
should give rise to the establishment of taxes, these would be
determined by a new arrangement between the two governments.
Article 4.
The clauses of the arrangement of December 8, 1892, are maintained in
all the provisions that are not contrary to the present
Article 5.
The ratifications will be exchanged before March 1, 1908.
The operation of fixing the boundary will be proceeded with within
three months following the exchange in question.
In testimony whereof the undersigned, duly authorized to this effect,
have concluded the present arrangement, to which they have affixed
their seals.
Done at Paris in
duplicate the 18th
of September, 1907.
l. s.] (Signed)
G. Binger.
l. s.] (Signed)
A. Soulange-Bodin.
l. s.] (Signed)
T. E. R. Johnson.
l. s.] (Signed)
J. P. Crommelin.