Chargé Bliss to the Secretary of State.
Brussels, August 27, 1907.
Sir: Referring to Mr. Wilson’s No. 199, of June 12, I have the honor to report that on Friday last, the 23d instant, the names were made public of the plenipotentiaries whom the Belgian and Kongolese governments have appointed to draw up a convention to be submitted to the Belgian legislative bodies.
The Kongo delegates are: General de Wahis, late governor of the Kongo; Mr. Willemaers, president of the Brussels court of appeal; Chevalier de Cuvelier, secretary-general for foreign affairs of the Independent State of the Kongo; and Mr. Ernest Solvey, a prominent Belgian manufacturer and philanthropist. The Belgian delegates are: Mr. Joostens, Belgian minister to Spain; Mr. van Malcleghem, president of the court of cassation; Mr. Beco, governor of the Brabant Province; and Mr. van Cutsem, a director in the Belgian treasury.
Mr. Solvey and Mr. Joostens are personal friends of His Majesty the King, while the other plenipotentiaries, with the exception of General de Wahis and Chevalier de Cuvelier, have little knowledge of colonial matters.
The commission held its first meeting yesterday in the ministry for foreign affairs.
I am, etc.,