The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Wilson.
Washington, February 9, 1907.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No. 146, of the 23d ultimo, acknowledging the receipt of the department’s telegram of the 15th of the same month communicating to you this Government’s attitude in relation to the Kongo question, reporting your action in making His Majesty’s Government aware of its contents, except so much thereof as refers to the resolution pending in the Senate, and asking whether the department approves your course.
In view of the fact adverted to on page 2 of your dispatch, that you hold no credentials to the Kongo Free State and therefore can not maintain an official correspondence with it, the department is of the opinion that you have acted wisely in this matter and approves your course.
You are requested to furnish the department with a list of the members of the diplomatic corps at Brussels who are accredited to the sovereign of the Kongo State and to report how they are so accredited.
I am, etc.,