File No. 1166/3–13.

Ambassador Wright to the Secretary of State.

No. 131.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you herewith an English translation in duplicate of a convention dated October 19 last between Japan and Korea with reference to the joint exploiting by these Governments of the forests and valleys of the Yalu and the Tumen. This translation appeared in the Japan Daily Mail of the 14th instant, and I have since ascertained from the foreign office that it is entirely correct.

I also have the honor to inclose a number of clippings,a all in duplicate, in regard to Korea. Among these I may invite attention to the clippings giving the official English translation of the new placer mining law in Korea and of the regulations for its enforcement. Of interest is also the editorial from the Japan Times of the 12th instant in regard to the recent visit to Tokyo of the Korean special envoy, H. R. H. Prince Chiyong. It will be seen that various reforms are said to be in progress in Korea, such as the separation of the court from the government administration proper and the foundation of the Korean Economic Association, and that measures are being considered to secure greater safety for life and property as well as for financial reform and for public works.

I have, etc.,

Luke E. Wright.

File No. 1166.


japan-korea lumber convention.

  • Article I. Forests in the region of the Yalu and the Tumen shall be exploited by the Governments of Japan and Korea jointly.
  • Art. II. The capital to be employed for the exploitation of said forests is fixed at 1,200,000 yen, of which each Government shall contribute 600,000 yen.
  • Art. III. A special account shall be established for the work of exploitation of said forests as well as for the receipts and expenditures connected with such exploitation. A statement of said account shall be submitted to the two Governments annually.
  • Art. IV. All profits and losses connected with the exploitation shall be divided between the two Governments according to the amount of their respective contribution.
  • Art. V. In case any increase in the amount of the contribution provided in Article II is found necessary, it shall be arranged by mutual consent of the two Governments.
  • Art. VI. In case detailed provisions are found necessary in the execution of this agreement, such provisions shall be determined by delegates to be appointed by the two Governments.
  • Art. VII. In case it is found necessary, in the course of exploitation, to organize a company so as to enable the subjects of Japan and Korea to join in the undertaking, the two Governments shall determine by common accord the means to be adopted to effect such organization.

Marquis Ito,

Minister President of State.

Minister of Finance.

Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, and Industry.
  1. Not printed.