File No. 2976/5.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador.

No. 429.]

Excellency: Referring to your notes of the 6thb and 18thc ultimo, in regard to your apprehension of violence and injury to certain tobacco belonging to your Government or its agents in the State of Tennessee, I have the honor to say that I have received a letter from the governor of that State, dated the 13th ultimo, from which I quote as follows:

I wish to assure you that after the trouble in Kentucky I proceeded to take every precaution possible to prevent like violation of the law in Tennessee. From my investigation I believe that if trouble occurs in Tennessee, or is attempted, it will be on the part of leaders coming from Kentucky, and I think [Page 746] the precautions that have been taken on the part of officials of this State by ray direction are such that these parties will be apprehended and captured if they come here, and if Tennesseans attempt such violence they will be apprehended.

Accept, excellency, etc.,

Robert Bacon.