File No. 6775/154.

The Costa Rican Minister to the Secretary of State.

Sir: Referring to your note of the 2d instant, relative to the kind invitation of the Presidents of the United States and Mexico addressed to the Presidents of the five Central American Republics to participate in a conference in the city of Washington during the first fifteen days of November proximo for the purpose of adjusting whatever differences may exist or arise among them and defining their general relations, which has been accepted by the respective Executives, and in regard to the place of meeting I have the honor to say that the selection of the Bureau of the American Republics is a most agreeable one to this legation.

Again thanking you for the interest shown in the welfare of the States of Central America, I have the honor to inform you that Costa Rica will be represented at said conference by Señor Don Luis Anderson, the minister of foreign relations, and by the undersigned, minister of Costa Rica at Washington.

Be pleased, etc.,

J. B. Calvo.