File No. 6775/140a.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Costa Rican Minister.a

Sir: The recent concurrent invitation of the Presidents of Mexico and the United States, addressed to the Presidents of the five Central American Republics, to participate in a conference, in the city of Washington, during the first fifteen days of November proximo, for the purpose of adjusting whatever differences may exist or arise among them and defining their general relations, having been accepted by the respective executives, it now appears timely to reach an agreement upon the place of meeting.

I have the honor to inform you that the President of the United States, in full accord with the Mexican Executive, proposes that the conference be held in the Bureau of American Republics. It seems eminently fitting that this should serve as its meeting place, inasmuch as it is common neutral ground, in the use and enjoyment of which the five Republics share equally with Mexico and the United States.

I am advised by the director of the bureau that ample quarters are available therein for the accommodation of the conference, and that every effort will be made to assure the comfort and convenience of the conferees.

Accept, etc.,

Robert Bacon.
  1. Mutatis mutandis to the Salvadorean minister, Guatemalan minister, Nicaraguan minister, and Honduranean minister.