Note of the Minister of the United States of North America at St. Petersburg to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, dated 8th (20th) March, 1893.

I have just received from the leading American representative at charge of the case of the United States before the international tribunal at Paris, the Hon. John W. Foster, late Secretary of State, a telegram, of which I inclose a copy.

It will be seen by this that should the proposal of Russia to Great Britain, of which your excellency so kindly sent me a copy, be consummated and publicly made known before the decision of the tribunal is announced it would greatly injure our case, to the detriment of the interests of Russia as well as of the United States.

Under these circumstances, bearing in mind the cordial assurances of cooperation given me by your excellency at a former interview, and the full recognition then given to the identity of Russian and American interests in this matter, I would most respectfully urge that the whole matter may be in some way delayed until after the decision of the tribunal.

I avail myself, etc.,

Andrew D. White.

Telegram of Mr. John W. Foster to Mr. White, Minister of the United States of North America at St. Petersburg.

We have learned with deepest disappointment of the proposals shown by our investigations. For the protection of seals a 30-mile zone utterly inadequate. Agreement for this season between the United States and Great Britain prohibits sealing for hundreds of miles around seal islands in Bering Sea. If the agreement proposed by Russia is perfected and given to the public, it will greatly prejudice our claim before the tribunal of arbitration. The decision of the tribunal can not long be deferred, and I hope you will be able to delay definite action until after the decision has been made. We are most hopeful of securing decision insuring most satisfactory protection, provided Russia does not abandon us and prejudice the question. Shall forward to-morrow copies of our case and counter case.
