Bark Cape Horn Pigeon, of New Bedford, arrived here yesterday, having been seized by Russian naval officer commanding. Confiscated sealing vessel on September 10, 4 o’clock a.m.; ship was then in latitude 46° 30’, longitude 146° 35’, and 125 miles off Sagalien Island and 84 miles off Yetarup Island, cruising for whales. Boat came alongside from schooner, and officer demanded my papers and told me that ship was confiscated for whaling in Okhotsk Sea, which was closed. Officer and armed men then took possession of my ship, ordering my officers and crew to take the schooner to Vladivostok, which they did, and arrived here 15th instant, and were put ashore yesterday without food or shelter. United States steamer Marion has arrived here-

Please send instructions and advise Scullun, master.

Indorsed: United States minister, St. Petersburg.

I, Herbert J. Hagerman, second secretary of the embassy of the United States of America, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a telegram with the original now on file in this embassy, and that the same is a correct trancript therefrom and of the whole of said original.

Herbert J. Hagerman,
Second Secretary, United States Embassy.