[In the matter of the seizure of the schooner C. H. White by the Russian Government.]
State of California, City and County of San Francisco, ss:
On this 20th day of November, 1900, before me, William T. Hess, a notary public in and for said city and county of San Francisco, State of California, duly commissioned [Page 247] and authorized by law to administer oaths in said city, county, and State, and not interested in anywise in said claim, personally appeared Andrew P. Lorentzen, personally known to me to be a credible witness, who, being first duly sworn, says:
My age is 62 years. I was born in Denmark. My residence is Alameda, Cal. I am now, and since 1865 have been, a duly naturalized citizen of the United States. My residence at the time the events took place in regard to which I am testifying and deposing was Alameda, Cal. My occupation is now, and was at the time the events took place in regard to which I am testifying and deposing, shipping merchant, but I, as then and prior thereto, and subsequently thereafter until now, have been managing owner and part owner of sealing vessels, and otherwise interested in the sealing business. I am not interested, either directly or indirectly, in the said claim, nor have I any contingent interest in the same. I am not the agent or attorney of the claimant making the above claim, nor of any person whatever interested therein. I will not be entitled to receive any part of any sum which may be awarded under said claim to said claimant. Since 1885, when I first became interested in the sealing business, I have been managing owner of the following vessels engaged in the sealing business, viz, the Mary H. Thomas, the Alexander, the Herman, and the Alton, and I am well acquainted with the value of sealing vessels and the outfits for the same. I knew the C. H White, her tonnage, and capacity well. I am advised as to her outfit and equipment. I knew L. M. Furman, the master thereof, and consider him a competent master, understanding the sealing business, and know that the master, outfit, equipment, and men of the C. H. White, in 1892, at the time she cleared from the port of San Francisco for the voyage during which she was seized by the Russian cruiser Zabiaca, were fully sufficient and competent for the purpose of sealing and fishing, and I know that the said C. H. White was fully fit for the purpose of sealing and fishing. I verily believe that the schooner C. H White, with its equipment and outfit, at the time it cleared from the port of San Francisco in 1892, when it was seized by the Russian war cruiser Zabiaca, was fully worth the sum of $35,000.
[Seal of notary.]
Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California.