[In the matter of the seizure of the schooner C. H. White by the Russian Government.]
State of California, City and County of San Francisco, ss:
On this 20th day of November, 1900, before me, William T. Hess, a notary public in and for said city and county of San Francisco, State of California, duly commissioned and authorized by law to administer oaths in the said city, county, and State, and not interested in anywise in said claim, and not being the agent or attorney of any person interested in said claim, personally appeared Johan H. C. Prien, known to me to be a credible witness, and being first duly sworn, deposes and says:
I am the president of the Eagle Fishing Company, which said company owned the C. H. White in 1892, when she was seized by the Russian war cruiser Zabiaca, all of which will more fully appear by the memorial of said company on file herein.
The damage to said company for the loss of said vessel is placed by the said company in said memorial at the sum of $100,000, and is itemized as follows: Value of schooner C. H. White and outfit, $35,000; value of 20 sealskins which were seized, $280; value of 8 barrels of mackerel seized, $160; value of 1 ton of codfish seized, $260; value of probable catch of codfish and mackerel after the seizure of the vessel, $10,300; and probable value of catch of seals during the remainder of the sealing season, about $54,000; and I further say that the said sum of $100,000 will not reimburse said company fully for the seizure and loss of said vessel C. H. White.
I further state that said vessel C. H. White carried 7 hunting boats and a full equipment of hunters and sealers to man said boats.
Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California.
[Seal of notary.]