The President to the Emperor of China.
The President of the United States to the Emperor of China, greeting:
I have received Your Majesty’s message of the 19th of July, and am glad to know that Your Majesty recognizes the fact that the Government and people of the United States desire of China nothing but what is just and equitable. The purpose for which we landed troops in China was the rescue of our legation from grave danger and the protection of the lives and property of Americans who were sojourning in China in the enjoyment of rights guaranteed them by treaty and by international law. The same purposes are publicly declared by all the powers which have landed military forces in Your Majesty’s Empire.
I am to infer from Your Majesty’s letter that the malefactors who have disturbed the peace of China, who have murdered the minister of Germany and a member of the Japanese legation, and who now hold besieged in Pekin those foreign diplomatists who still survive, have not only not received any favor or encouragement from Your Majesty, but are actually in rebellion against the Imperial authority. If this be the case, I most solemnly urge upon Your Majesty’s Government to give public assurance whether the foreign ministers are alive, and if so, in what condition.
- 2.
- To put the diplomatic representatives of the powers in immediate and free communication with their respective Governments and to remove all danger to their lives and liberty.
- 3.
- To place the Imperial authorities of China in communication with the relief expedition, so that cooperation may be secured between [Page 14] them for the liberation of the legations, the protection of foreigners, and the restoration of order.
If these objects are accomplished it is the belief of this Government that no obstacles will be found to exist on the part of the powers to an amicable settlement of all the questions arising out of the recent troubles, and the friendly good offices of this Government will, with the assent of the other powers, be cheerfully placed at Your Majesty’s disposition for that purpose.
By the President:
John Hay, Secretary of State.