Memorandum in response to Mr. Wu’s communication, September 17, 1900, of a cablegram from Prince Ching, dated Pekin, September 8, 1900.
[Handed to the Chinese Minister by the Acting Secretary of State, September 21, 1900, 3.45 p.m.]
The Government of the United States accepts the plenipotentiary authority of Earl Li Hung Chang and Prince Ching as prima facie sufficient for the preliminary negotiations looking toward the return of the [Page 23] Imperial Chinese Government and to the resumption of its authority at Pekin, and toward the negotiation of a complete settlement by the duly appointed plenipotentiaries of the powers and of China.
To these ends, the United States minister in Pekin will be authorized to enter into relations with Earl Li and Prince Ching as the immediate representatives of the Chinese Emperor.
Acting Secretary.
Washington, September 21, 1900.