The Russian Chargé d’affaires to the Acting Secretary of State.
Mr. Acting Secretary: I have just received a communication from the Imperial Government informing me of the resolution of the admirals of the allied fleets interdicting the plenipotentiary of the Chinese Government, Li Hung Chang, from all communication with the Chinese authorities in the event of his arrival at Taku.
This resolution being inexplicable, in view of the fact that all the powers have recognized the utility of admitting his (Li Hung Chang’s) services in the eventual negotiations for peace, and especially because it would be impossible for him to fulfill his mission in the character of Chinese plenipotentiary if this were done, it would be desirable that the interested Governments should give orders to countermand the above-mentioned decision.
Praying you, Mr. Acting Secretary, to be pleased to communicate to me the response of the Federal Government on this subject, I embrace this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.