Memorandum in response to the Chinese minister’s communication of cablegrams from Viceroy Earl Li Hung Chang, dated August 19 and 21, proposing the immediate cessation of hostilities and the appointment of an envoy to conduct negotiations, received at the Department of State August 20 and 21, 1900.
[Sent to the Chinese minister, August 22, 1900—1.30 p.m.]
While the condition set forth in the memorandum delivered to the Chinese minister August 12 has not been fulfilled, and the powers have been compelled to rescue their ministers by force of arms unaided by the Chinese Government, still this Government is ready to welcome any overtures for a truce, and invite the other powers to join, when security is established in the Chinese capital and the Chinese Government snows its ability and willingness to make on its part an effective suspension of hostilities there and elsewhere in China. When this is done—and we hope it will be done promptly—the United States will be prepared to appoint a representative to join with the representatives of the other similarly interested powers and of the authoritative and responsible Government of the Chinese Empire to attain the ends declared in our circular to the powers of July 3, 1900.
Acting Secretary.
Washington, August 22, 1900.