Mr. Lane to Mr.
Legation of the United States of America,
San José, Costa Rica, April
8, 1899.
No. 17.]
Sir: I beg to refer to my respects of the 2d
instant regarding Mr. Clancy’s request for war vessels at
On the 5th instant I telegraphed the Department as follows (translated):
“Consulate Bluefields 30th asks two war vessels. Merchants ordered pay
Government; otherwise suffer consequences. Martial law enforced.
Government refused consul use wire. Unable communicate minister. Lane.”
And on the 6th instant I received your reply, reading (translated):
“Lane, Chargé, San José, Costa Rica, Instructions telegraphed minister;
Detroit goes Bluefields. Hay,” for which I
beg to tender my best acknowledgments. The only additional information
that I have regarding affairs at Bluefields is contained in the inclosed
copies of Mr. Clancy’s letters to Minister Merry, dated the 30th ultimo
and 3d instant, together with inclosure called for in the former and a
translation of same.
When I wrote Mr. Clancy on the 3d instant, acknowledging receipt of his
first dispatch, I inclosed and called his attention to a copy of that of
the Department to him, dated Washington, March 6, to serve in event of
his not having received the original, since it relates to the matter of
second payment of duties and asks for a detailed report of any such
Minister Merry’s acknowledgment of my message to him of the 2d instant
reached me, after much delay en route, on the evening of the 6th
instant, and then reported my telegrams as only partially legible. He
advised his being due at Corinto on the 9th instant and requested me to
wire him there, which I shall do, giving him the Department
[Page 563]
message to me. He should find
at Corinto letters from me to the 5th instant, inclusive.
With assurances, etc.,
[Inclosure No. 1.]
Mr. Clancy to
Mr. Merry.
United States Consular Agency,
Bluefields, Nicaragua,
March 30, 1899.
No. 19.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I
wanted to send the inclosed telegram to you this morning and was
refused point blank the use of the wires by the Nicaraguan
authorities at this place, although I informed them it was official
business, and am compelled to send this in a special boat to Port
Limon, so that Hon. S. C. Braida, our consular agent, can transmit
it to you for immediate action.
I refused to answer the questions propounded in the inclosed, unless
I first obtained permission to do so. The excuse made by General
Estrada, the governor intendente and inspector-general of the
Atlantic coast, was that, as I refused to answer the questions of
the executive delegate, he would refuse to telegraph the President
for permission for me to use the wires, and walked off in anger.
This morning the American merchants requested me to go with them and
talk this repayment question over with Colonel Torres. He refused to
answer any questions and said in substance if I wanted information
in my capacity as consular agent I must address him in the proper
This was merely a subterfuge on his part to gain time, and we left
his presence without having obtained any satisfaction on the
He was much annoyed that I did not answer his questions at once, and
brought this matter in several times during the interview.
These people must be taught the salutary lesson of acting with
justice and moderation in the execution of their laws and decrees
issued by His Excellency President Zelaya.
Just think of it! The President sent a man from Managua, who asks our
merchants to call on him on business, and when the merchants appear
before the person so sent he is informed that he must pay a certain
amount of money to the present Government within twenty-four hours
or suffer the legal consequences, (martial law being in force)
without having the least opportunity to reply or defend his action.
And when the judge is asked the penalty for noncompliance he says he
does not know, and when the same question is put to the executive
delegate he also pleads ignorance.
Decree just issued at 4.30 p.m. increasing duties 50 per cent, to
take immediate effert.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure No. 2.]
Mr. Clancy to
Mr. Merry.
United States Consular Agency,
Bluefields, Nicaragua,
March 30,
Sir: Cable for two men-of-war to be sent
here at once for the protection of the property of American
Martial law in force and courts closed by order of President Zelaya
since the 18th instant.
Col. Francisco E. Torres, executive delegate, says the merchants must
pay to-day the amounts of duties paid the late revolutionary
government; also, if not paid as summarily demanded by him, they
must suffer the consequences.
The Nicaraguan Government refuses point blank the use of the wires
for sending this telegram, although the wires are in working
Interviewed Colonel Torres this morning and recieved no
[Page 564]
[Subinclosure No.
Mr. Torres to
Mr. Clancy.
Bluefields, March 2,
Dear Sir: Invested as I am with the high
functions of delegate of the executive power on the Atlantic coast,
and the object of the Government in sending me to this department
being as much the application of the law to those who, in the
rebellion of the 3d of February last, arose in arms against the
constituted authority, as to investigate the cause of the uprising,
and who were in it, I believe it my duty, in the conception of
filling my commission with justice and equity, to take or collect
the data that is the most trustworthy to me and comes from people or
authorities whose integrity is above question; therefore, I address
the consular agent by means of the present, asking information that
he, no one better informed, will be able to give the Government,
rendering in that way an inestimable service, and which I hope, from
his impartiality and uprightness, will not fail since he represents
the Government of a brother country and friend of Nicaragua, and you
have always shown, in the name of the United States of America, the
desire of strengthening the friendly relations between both
- 1.
- Please tell me the date of the notices which warned your
countrymen of the strictest neutrality, and if this warning was
caused becaase the authorities of this city had disavowed the
government or Gen. J. Santos zelaya.
- 2.
- What causes alleged or had the American citizens to interfere
and take arms, swelling the ranks of the rebels, and had they
promises from the rebel chiefs, and were these of pecuniary
remuneration, command, or control in the government of the
country or of this littoral?
- 3.
- For what motive or with what object did the commercial houses
of the New Orleans and Central American Trading Company, Brown
& Harris, Peterson, Allan & Caldwell, Sam. Weil, and
Sam. D. Spellman give the Americans under the orders of Gen.
Juan Pablo Reyes clothing and other things to organize the body
commanded by the American citizen Kennedy?
- 4.
- Why, in spite of your prohibition, were the Americans present
at the hour and moment when the rebellion, headed by the civil
and military authorities of this city and Rama, began assisting
to foment it, some with arms, others with money for the payment
of import duties, and provisions?
- 5.
- Why did the Bluefields Steamship Company give steamers for the
transportation of troops, permitting steamers like El Condor to come into port, closed from
the moment the rebellion started, with merchandise that arrived
without consular invoices that same steamer carried and brought
to Rama tind from San Juan del Norte?
- 6.
- For what motives, and authorized by whom, went various
Americans like Jacob Conn to the Government palace, from whence
they took arms and ammunition to the International Club?
- 7.
- Why, knowing that the Government employee had been taken from
the custom-house on the Bluff, and that in his place had been
put the American, H. W. Mallitz, did they continue passing their
merchandise and paying duties to the rebellion in person of H.
P. Salter, rebel employee, as was evident to all?
- 8.
- If you and the captain of the war steamer Marietta endeavored to render your countrymen more
obedient and even threatened them, in the case of not being so,
would they lose their American citizenship?
- 9.
- If; on the contrary, you and the captain of the Marietta and the rest of the American
citizens recognized as legitimate the authorities created by the
rebellion that took place in this city and Rama and that was
headed by Gen. Juan P. Reyes.
Expecting that you will reply with pleasure to the questions made by
the present, I thank you in anticipation in name of the Government
and subscribe myself,
Yours, etc.,
[Inclosure No. 3.]
Mr. Clancy to
Mr. Merry.
United States Consular Agency,
Bluefields, Nicaragua,
April 3, 1899.
No. 20.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that no
action has been taken by Col. Francisco E. Torres, executive
delegate, up to 6 p.m. to-day about collecting the duties, mention
of which was contained in my No. 20.
[Page 565]
I am credibly informed that he will proceed in either of the
following ways:
- 1.
- To allow no goods arriving from the United States for the
merchants refusing to pay to be delivered them unless they
pay the duties over again.
- 2.
- A squad of soldiers acting under orders of Colonel Torres
will enter a store, take forcible possession of a certain
amount of goods, and compel the owner to turn over the daily
sales of all merchandise sold, until a sufficient amount has
been collected to pay the amounts they arbitrarily demand,
as well as the expenses connected therewith, and the
executive delegate considers this the just and only proper
way of getting the money.
“J. A. Belanger & Co.” and “Brown & Harris “have paid, the
former English and the latter half English and American.
I am, etc.,