Count Vinci to Mr. Adee.
Washington, August 3, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 2d instant, whereby your excellency confirmed to me that the Department of State had received the assurance from the governor of Louisiana that every effort would be made to bring the perpetrators of the outrage committed at Tallulah to justice without delay.
Your excellency informed me by the same note that you had communicated to the governor of Louisiana the result of the investigation held by the royal acting consul at New Orleans relative to the painful occurrences at Tallulah, and that you had at the same time requested him to furnish to you all the evidence that might be in possession of the authorities of Louisiana with regard to the nationality of the victims.
Feeling confidence, as does your excellency, in the assurance given by the governor of Louisiana to the Department of State, I beg you to convey my thanks to that officer, and I avail myself of this occasion to offer you, most excellent sir, the assurances, etc.,