Mr. Iddings to Mr. Hay.
Rome, Italy, July 26, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to confirm, on the second page of this dispatch, your cipher telegram1 received yesterday directing me to inform the minister for foreign affairs that the governor of Louisiana is investigating the alleged lynching of persons born in Italy, and that the United States Government would take all legal steps to secure justice which the facts might warrant.
[Page 444]I immediately asked for an appointment with the minister for foreign affairs, the Marquis Visconti Venosta, and he received me this morning at 11 o’clock. I told him what you had instructed me, and at the same time handed him a note to the same effect. The minister requested me to thank you for your assurance, and to express his earnest wishes and his entire confidence that all steps would be taken by the United States Government to secure justice in this case. I have cabled to you to this effect in the second dispatch1 confirmed on the third page.
I am, etc.,
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