Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.

No. 547.]

Sir: I transmit under this cover copies of the correspondence that has passed between the foreign office and the legation concerning the complaint made by Dr. J. B. Terres of an attempt to arrest one of his employees. This correspondence may be considered as a continuance of dispatch No. 545, April 6.

The inclosed correspondence having been received since the above dispatch was sent, this completes the history of the case, which has been settled without any unpleasant feeling being left.

I have, etc.,

W. F. Powell.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. Lafontant to Mr. Powell.

Mr. Minister: Confirming to you the declarations that I have had the honor to make to you at our late interview, I am pleased to give you the assurance that in ordering, on the request of Mr. the chargé d’affaires of the Dominican Republic, the arrestation to be expelled of a Dominican who is in the service of Dr. Terres, vice-consul-general of the United States of America, my colleague of the department of the interior had in no wise the intention to violate the dwelling of an accredited agent of the United States, nor to commit any infraction of the international laws.

The order, moreover, not having any sequence, and the agent of the authority having stopped in view of the protestation of Dr. Terres.

You will kindly remember that in my dispatch of the 31st March, in reply to the one in which you made known to me the incident of which you thought to have a cause of complaint, I gave you the same assurances.

I have not failed to remark to you how much it would have been painful for the Government, that you could believe for a single instant that a minister of the Republic could have given an order of a nature to disturb the good relations that unite the two republics and to which my Government attaches such price.

Please accept, etc.,

N. S. Lafontant.
[Page 377]
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Powell to Mr. Lafontant.

Sir: I have your favor dated April 8. I am glad to know from you that it was not the intention of your honorable colleague, the minister of state for the interior, Hon. Tancrede Auguste, to violate any right of international courtesy that pertains to foreign representatives accredited to your Government, and that you have, on the part of your Government, promptly disavowed any such intention.

I heartily agree with you on the very pleasant way this incident has been closed, showing the strong and kindly feeling of your Government for that of mine, which I trust will continue to grow more binding as each advance in years.

I have the pleasure also to inform you in this dispatch that the two Dominicans referred to are not and have never been in the employ of our vice-consul-general, Dr. J. B. Terres.

Accept, etc.,

W. F. Powell.