Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.

Sir: In reply to a note from Mr. Day of the 16th of September last, No. 1185, with regard to a tonnage tax levied at Trinidad, I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a dispatch from the Marquis of Salisbury inclosing copies of the Trinidad ordinances Nos. I of 1896 and VII of 1898, under which the dues referred to are levied, and stating that they have been rendered necessary in order to provide for the interest and sinking fund of the loan which has been raised to meet the cost of the extensive works, still in course of execution, to improve the accommodation and lighting of the harbor of Port of Spain, Trinidad.

I am directed by his lordship to forward you the ordinances1 in reply to the inquiry of your Government.

I have, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.
  1. Printed copies sent to Treasury Department.