Mr. Day to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

No. 1185.]

Excellency: Referring to the proclamation of the President dated April 7, 1885, exempting from tonnage tax in the United States vessels entering from the island of Trinidad, British West Indies, on the ground that no duty was imposed as tonnage tax or as light money, and that no other equivalent tax on vessels of the United States was imposed at said island by the British Government, I have the honor to inquire whether the statement is correct which has been received [Page 333] by the Treasury Department of the United States to the effect that a tonnage tax of 4 pence per ton was imposed on the American bark Auburndale at the time of her clearance for Washington, D. C., August 17, 1898, and that a similar tax is imposed on vessels entering at Trinidad?

I have, etc.,

William R. Day.