Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, September 23,
1896. (Received Oct. 10.)
No. 992.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information the copy of a dispatch from Acting Consular Agent A. H.
Poche at Aleppo, dated the 11th instant, which refers to the condition
of the naturalized Americans now in prison at Aleppo. The men in prison
were arrested in armed resistance to the Government, and surrendered on
the promise that they would be sent from the country.
The situation of the prisoners remains unchanged, and in the present
condition of unrest and suspicion but little can be hoped for beyond
saving their lives.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Poche to
Mr. Terrell.
Aleppo, September 11,
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the
telegram which your excellency kindly addressed to this consular
agency under the date of September 9, written in the following
Poche, American Consul, Aleppo:
Are naturalized citizens still in prison?
I hastened to reply as follows:
American Legation,
Citizens still imprisoned.
For more correct information of your excellency I will say that I
went to the governor-general and demanded to know what decision he
had taken as to this question.
His Excellency Raïf Pasha assures me that he has received no
instructions in regard to the nine American citizens still lying in
Last night the nine prisoners, naturalized citizens of the United
States, forwarded me in an indirect way a letter accompanying a
telegram on their part to the legation at Constantinople, with the
request to forward it by telegraph.
I did not consider it prudent to fulfill this request, which would
show to the local authorities that this consular agency communicates
secretly with the prisoners. However, the contents of this telegram
are already
[Page 923]
known to your
excellency. I limit myself, then, to submitting it for your
excellency’s approval, accompanied by the original letter addressed
to this consular agency.
Ready to follow the instructions you may kindly give in regard to
this matter, I beg you to accept, etc.,
A. H. Poche,
Acting Consular Agent.
[Subinclosure in No.
Copy of letter of the prisoners to
Mr. Poche.
Mr. Consul: Altogether in despair with our
deplorable situation under the hands of a native Government, we
solicit you to kindly forward the inclosed telegram. Be pleased also
to let us know categorically what will be our fate, and how long
American rights will be ill treated and its true subjects insulted
and imprisoned.
Accept, Mr. Consul, etc.,
(Signed for nine Americans.) Avidis
Prison of Aleppo, September 8, 1896.
Copy of the telegram from the
prisoners to the legation.
American Legation, Constantinople:
In spite of Americo-Turkish treaty and our official agreement of
Suedieh, the Turkish Government keeps us in jail. We have no more
means of support; our lives are in imminent danger.
We await immediate release and protection.
(For nine American subjects.)
Avidis Vartanian.