Mr. Adee to Mr. Terrell

No. 1041.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 920 of the 16th ultimo, stating that the Turkish Government has declined to pay the indemnity demanded by France, Italy, and England for the destruction of property of their respective citizens and subjects, and adding that you have as yet received no note declining responsibility for American losses at Harpoot and Marash.

The note of Mavroyeni Bey of July 11, a copy of which was inclosed with the Department’s No. 1025 of the 14th ultimo, trends in that direction. As stated in Mr. Olney’s aforesaid instruction, “it is unsatisfactory, and can not be regarded as answering our just demand for reparation and the signal rebuke of those officers to whose negligence and connivance the original act of incendiarism and subsequent robbery were attributable.”

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.