Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 842.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 11th instant I was personally assured both by the Grand Vizier and the Turkish minister of foreign affairs that no harm should befall any American citizen from [Page 854] riotous demonstrations during my absence from this post, each, assuring me that no missionary should be molested for any cause; and if complaints were made the inquiry would be postponed until my return.

The special reason for my interview was to answer in person a note verbale in which I was requested to bring here the Rev. Mr. Fuller, who is charged with indulging in compromising correspondence against the Turkish Government, and against whom certain Armenian revolutionists had testified. I informed the Porte that my act in bringing Mr. Knapp here for investigation must not be regarded as a precedent, for he was to be brought here to suit my own convenience.

I informed the Grand Vizier that hereafter, when complaint was made against a missionary of a serious character, and I desired his presence at this post, his place would be supplied with another missionary before his departure for his residence. He readily consented to instruct the governor of Aleppo to desist from annoying Mr. Fuller, on my assurance that he was a good man, and to postpone all inquiry into his conduct until I should return, whether I remained absent several weeks or several months.

I leave now with the belief that an era of greater security is before our people here, and that they will not be molested.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.