Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 832.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a translation of the note sent me by the minister of foreign affairs on the 22d instant, answering one from this legation on the 1st instant, in which he assures me that orders requested have issued to the governors of provinces “to watch with the greatest vigilance for the protection of the property and lives of American missionaries.”

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Inclosure in No. 832.—Translation.]

Tevfik Pacha to Mr. Terrell.

Mr. Envoy: I have received the note your excellency kindly addressed to me on the 1st instant, No. 109, concerning the protection of the residences of the American missionaries in Anatolia.

Though, thanks to the steps taken by the Imperial Government, a perfect tranquillity prevails in all the Asiatic provinces of the Empire, and there is no room for any uneasiness with regard to the security of the said religious (men), the Sublime Porte has not failed, out of deference to the desire expressed by your excellency, to invite, telegraphically, the governors-general of the vilayets of Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Mamauret-ul-Azîz, Sivas, and Diarbekir, to watch with the greatest vigilance to the protection of the property and of the lives of the American missionaries and other foreigners who are to be found in the said provinces.

Communications have been made also to the ministry of war so that the military commanders should receive the order to take on their side the necessary disposition to that effect.

Please accept, etc.,
