Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, February 17,
1896. (Received March 2.)
No. 815.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose copy of a
letter from Rev. Mr. Fuller, dated Aintab, January 27, informing me of
the security afforded both to missionaries and their Armenian employees
during massacres, and asking for suitable recognition by our Government
of the valuable services of Consular Agent Poche.
I have, etc.,
[Page 851]
[Inclosure in No. 815.]
Mr. Fuller to
Mr. Terrell.
Aintab, January 27,
Sir: Your very kind and welcome letter of
January 1 was duly received, and its contents gratefully noted. For
myself and on behalf of my associates at Aintab and Ourfa, I desire
(though a little late) to return you, with our kindest regards and
best wishes, the compliments of the season, and to express to you
our most hearty thanks for the energy and skill with which you have
safeguarded our rights and interests as American citizens. We fully
appreciate that it is chiefly owing to your influence at
Constantinople and the reported stringent orders you have caused to
be sent to the local governments under which we live, that we have
not only not been molested, but have been most carefully guarded;
and even Turkish subjects in our employ and under our care have for
the most part enjoyed exemption from the violence to which their
coreligionists have been subjected. We shall hereafter prize, as
never before, our glorious birthright of American citizenship, and
shall always cherish very grateful memories of yourself for the
courage and fidelity with which you have protected American
interests in these times of peril and violence. We fully believe
that any less watchful and vigorous policy than that which you have
pursued would inevitably have resulted in great destruction of
property and perhaps serious loss of life.
We also desire to express to you our very high appreciation of the
kindness and efficiency of our vice-consul at Aleppo, Mr. F. Poche,
and we earnestly desire and beg you will use your good offices with
our Government to secure for him some suitable recognition of the
ability, energy, and fidelity he has so clearly displayed in the
service of our country, not only in this crisis but throughout a
long period of official service,
Wishing you a long continuance of your most important and honorable
I am, etc.,