Mr. Williams to Mr. Rockhill.
Habana, May 21, 1896.
Sir: I beg to inform you that having sent Mr. Sanchez Dotz, the deputy consul general, this morning to visit Laborde, Gildea, Melton, Barnet, and Leavitt, of the Competitor expedition, and now held in custody at Fortress Cabanas, he reports to me that he found all the men well; that they stated they were well treated and have no complaint on this score. William Leavitt, a seaman, says that he is a native of Bangor, Me., and Charles Barnet, steward, that he is a native of Staffordshire, England.
From their report it appears that these two were captured while asleep on a farm about 8 miles from “La Palma,” a village near San Cayetano, on the northwest coast of Cuba.
I am, etc.,