Mr. Taylor to Mr. Olney.

No. 635.]

Sir: Replying further to your No. 625, of the 15th ultimo, relative to the threat of the Cuban insurgents against the Juragua Iron Company, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy, with translation, of a note from the minister for foreign affairs, informing me that he has advised the minister of ultramar to take such action as would insure the safety of the company’s property.

I am, etc.,

Hannis Taylor.
[Inclosure in No. 635.—Translation.]

The Duke of Tetuan to Mr. Taylor.

Excellency: I duly had the honor to receive your kind note, No. 221, of the 26th of December last, relative to the Juragua Iron Company and to the threats it claims to have received from the insurgents unless it stops its work or pays large sums.

[Page 705]

I have read with great interest the contents of said note and I have sent a copy thereof to my colleague, the minister of ultramar, pointing out to him the advisability of instructing the authorities of the Island of Cuba to watch as carefully as possible over the property of said company.

I avail, etc.,

The Duke of Tetuan.