Legation of the United States,
Madrid, October 26,
1896. (Received November 10.)
No. 583.]
[Inclosure in No.
The Duke of Tetuan to
Mr. Taylor.
Ministry of State,
Sebastian, September 8,
Excellency: I have had the honor to receive
your kind note of the 5th instant, relative to the estate “Teresa,”
owned by the American citizens Messrs. Farrel and Rigney, and to the
position supposed to have been assumed by the general of division
Sr. Bosch, commanding the forces at Manzanillo, Cuba.
Not having any information upon the subject, with this date I request
my colleague, the minister of war, to obtain and communicate to me
such information as soon as possible. I must, however, inform your
excellency that the Government of His Majesty, ever faithful to the
most strict principles of justice, has given definite instructions,
with which the Governor and Captain General of Cuba complies, so
that, with the exigencies of the military operations, the properties
of nationals and foreigners may be alike protected, without
distinction of
[Page 704]
nationalities. In conformity with, this uniform line of conduct, I
can assure your excellency that the properties of American citizens
in Cuba shall be guarded in the same manner as the properties of
other Spaniards and foreigners, without difference of any kind,
which would not answer certainly to the cordial relations which
unite both countries and Governments.
At the same time that information upon the subject of this note is
asked, the strict orders given by His Majesty’s Government in regard
to the defense and custody of private properties will be
I avail, etc.,
The Duke of Tetuan.