Mr. Olney to Mr.
Dupuy de Lôme.
Department of State,
Washington, March 13,
No. 100.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information copy of a letter just received from Messrs. E. Atkins &
Co., of Boston, reporting further devastation of their cane fields by
the insurgents.
Accept, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 100.]
Messrs. E. Atkins &
Co. to Mr. Olney.
Boston, Mass., March 9, 1896.
Dear Sir: The mail received to-day from
Cienfuegos, dated February 26, brings advices of the further burning
by insurgents, on or about the 20th, of something over 300 acres of
cane on our property Soledad. Owing to the difficulty of the manager
getting about throughout the territory, a detailed estimate of cane
lost by these fires was not then made up.
At the date of the above-mentioned mail fires were again general, and
we hear of two other American properties having suffered severely in
the Cienfuegos district.
Very respectfully, yours,
E. Atkins & Co.
The writer leaves for Cienfuegos to-morrow.