Mr. Denby, chargé, to Mr. Olney.
Peking, June 19, 1896. (Received July 25.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on the 9th instant I received a letter from Mr. W. H. Lingle, of the American Presbyterian Mission at Lien Chou, in northern Kwang-tung, stating that at Lam Mo, in southern Hunan, mission property had been destroyed and native Christians made the victims of oppression. Mr. Lingle stated that his mission had been established in that vicinity for six years and numbered 100 converts against whom a sort of crusade has latterly been inaugurated. They have been beaten, robbed, driven from home, deprived of lands and houses. Proclamations have been issued forbidding them to buy or lease property and forbidding their intermarriage with other people. Mr. Lingle was himself mobbed and insulted, his workmen were driven away, and the materials for a chapel which he had prepared were carried away before his face. He stated that the local authorities refused to entertain his complaints and he appealed to this legation for redress.
On the 16th instant I presented this case to the Yamên in a personal interview and I was favorably heard. While I was still present at the Yamên telegraphic orders were sent the viceroys at Hankow and at Canton to command the Hunan officials to afford protection and redress. Hunan being in the consular jurisdiction of the consul at Hankow it was agreed between the Yamên and myself that further representations in this case, if necessary, should be addressed by Mr. Child to the viceroy.
I have written Mr. Child instructing him to this effect.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.