Mr. Breckinridge to
Mr. Olney.
Legation of the United States,
St. Petersburg, April 11, 1896.
(Received April 28.)
No. 282.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 236 of February 27 in
regard to Henry Topor, I have the honor to transmit herewith copy and
translation of a note of March 27/April 8, from Mr. Chichkine and
translation of a document (original in Russian) accompanying Mr.
Chichkine’s note, giving particulars in regard to Mr. Topor’s arrest and
present condition.
From this it appears that his passport was issued in the name of Francis
Topor; and that his name before going to the United States was Henry
Baritsky. His mental and physical condition is testified by the
authorities of the Warsaw Hospital to leave but little hope of complete
No mention being made of the request for the release of Mr. Topor, under
proper escort, as directed by your Nos. 167 of January 23 and 176 of
February 10, respectively, and covered by my note of February 18, I
repeat my inquiry upon this point. The result will be made known to you
as soon as ascertained.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Department of Interior
Petersburg, March 27/April 8,
Mr. Minister: Referring to the notes of the
legation of the United States of America of December 8/20, 1895, and
February 6/18 of the current year, relating to Henry Topor, I have
the honor to transmit to you herewith an extract from a document of
the department of medicine containing the facts regarding the arrest
and the present condition of the above-named person.
Accept, etc.,
Abstract of a communication from the adjoint of
the minister of the interior to the minister of foreign affairs,
dated March 13, 1896.
* * * * * * *
According to information, Topor was arrested on the 12th of September
last, in Warsaw, with a passport issued to the American citizen,
Francis Topor. On arrest, he turned out to be Henry Baritsky,
constant resident of the city of Warsaw, as testified to by his
brother, Anthony Baritsky, and his relative, Mary Dvoriakoff. Upon
this discovery, his case was referred to the examining officer, and
later, by order of the Warsaw district court, dated September 29,
1895, Baritsky was interned at the Warsaw Hospital for the Insane,
at Tvor, in which he is still retained. According
[Page 528]
to information received from the
director of said hospital, dated January 22, 1896, Baritsky explains
his journey to Russia as being the result of his intention to
transfer his business to Warsaw and to see his relatives. In
general, Baritsky is suffering from disorder of the mind, in the
form of a commencement of progressive paralysis, and little hope is
given of his complete recovery. Since his arrival at said hospital
he has had several tits due to congestion and rush of blood to the
head, with temporary unconsciousness.
True copy.
[Signature illegible.]
Chief of