Mr. Denby to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, September 21,
1896. (Received Oct. 31.)
No. 2604.]
Sir: In compliance with the Department’s
dispatch No. 1312, of July 28 last, relating to the subject of
antiforeign riots in China, I have addressed to the Tsung-li Yamên a
communication, of which a copy is inclosed.
I inform the prince and ministers that you will hereafter present for
their consideration measures which you deem necessary to be adopted by
China in order to prevent the occurrence of these outrages.
I shall, as soon as possible, comply with your direction that I prepare a
“draft note” embodying the views set forth in the dispatch
above-mentioned, with such other suggestions as I might think fit to
offer, and should submit the same to you before presenting or discussing
the subject with the Tsung-li Yamên.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 2604.]
Mr. Denby to
the Tsung-li Yamên.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, September 21, 1896.
Messieurs les Ministres: I have the honor
to inform you that my Government has been unavoidably prevented from
making such representations to the Government of China as recent
antiforeign riots in China imperatively demand should be made.
This very important subject is still under advisement, and when a
line of conduct has been matured it will be presented for the
consideration of the Government of China.
It is assumed that it is the earnest desire of China to render the
occurrence of outrages against foreigners in her borders impossible.
It is assumed that, consulting her own dignity and interest and
valuing her good name, she will readily adopt such measures as
experience has shown to be best suited to that end.
In this day of contemplated reforms and the inauguration of material
progress and schemes of improvement of all kinds, I unqualifiedly
assert that the most important of all reforms and the most
beneficial of all improvements would be the rendering of foreign
life and property safe and secure in the interior of China.
The Chengtu riots, the Kutien massacre, the very recent Kiang-yin
outrages, and others of minor character very plainly indicate that
there is an overwhelming necessity for the Government of China to
take strong and energetic action to enforce due consideration for
the Imperial edicts and the orders which emanate from time to time
from the Tsung-li Yamên touching the status and treatment of
foreigners resident in China. Under my instructions it is not proper
for me at this time to set forth the measures which my Government
will hereafter present for your consideration as necessary to be
adopted in order to prevent the occurrence of the lamentable
outrages which are deplored by both Governments.
I desire at this time to simply notify you that the whole subject is
under careful consideration by my Government, and that it does not
doubt that you will cooperate in meeting its wishes in a matter of
such importance toward maintaining the amicable relations that have
uniformly characterized both countries.