Mr. Denby, chargé, to Mr. Olney.

No. 2566.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of the receipt given by J. R. Goddard, treasurer of the American Baptist Missionary Union, for 14,305 taels, paid by the Chinese Government, through the Shanghai taotai, for said mission’s losses in Szechuan.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby, Jr.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
[Inclosure in No. 2566.]

Receipt of missionaries.

Received, June 18th, 1896, from T. R. Jernigan, esq., consul-general of the United States at Shanghai, China, taels Shanghai sycee fourteen thousand three hundred and five (Shang. Sy. Tls. 14,305), paid to me, the treasurer of the eastern, central, and western China missions of the American Baptist Missionary Union, as indemnity [Page 57] by China on account of the destruction of the property of the Baptist missions of the aforesaid American Baptist Missionary Union at their several stations in the province of Szechuan, China, by Chinese rioters in the spring of 1895. The said amount was paid to Consul-General Jernigan by the Shanghai taotai, and Consul-General Jernigan was authorized by Minister Charles Denby to receive and pay the same to the representatives of the Baptist missions named, and I hereby make oath that I, Josiah R. Goddard, who sign this receipt, am the legally authorized representative to receive and receipt for the said sum of taels Shanghai sycee fourteen thousand three hundred and five on behalf of the said Baptist mission, and do hereby receive and receipt therefor.

Given under my hand and seal this the date above written.

J. R. Goddard,
Mission Treasurer.

Subscribed to before me this eighteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and ninety-six.

John Fowler,
U. S. Consul.