Baron Fava to Mr. Olney.


Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to the note which I had the honor to address you on the 11th instant, I hasten to inclose to your excellency a copy of a telegram which has just reached me from the acting Italian consul at New Orleans, La.

It appears from this telegram that the names of the three persons who were dragged from the jail and afterwards lynched at Hahnville, on the night of the 8th to 9th instant, are Lorenzo Salardino, Salvatore Arena, and Giuseppe Venturella, and that their Italian nationality was attested by the written declaration under oath of witnesses who had come from Hahnville to New Orleans for that purpose.

I shall transmit to your excellency the said sworn declarations as soon as they reach me from the royal consulate above mentioned.

Accept, etc.,


Mr. Papini to Baron Fava.

The witnesses brought from Hahnville, La., declare under oath and in writing that the three persons lynched at that place were not naturalized. Their names are Lorenzo Salardino, Salvatore Arena, and Giuseppe Venturella.

Acting Italian Consul.