Mr. Olney to Mr. Denby, chargé.

No. 1301.]

Sir: In connection with previous correspondence, and especially the minister’s No. 2525, of May 9, 1896, I have now to inclose for your information and files a copy of a note from the Chinese minister here, of the 8th instant, concerning the settlement of the missionary claims in Szechuan in accordance with the recommendation of the United States commission, and saying that one other claim was still pending.

[Page 56]

It is inferred that this latter claim was that on behalf of the American Baptist Missionary Union mentioned in the minister’s No. 2525. If the Department’s supposition is incorrect, I shall be glad to be advised of the specific claim to which the Chinese minister has reference.

I add also a copy of my reply to the minister.

I am, etc.,

Richard Olney.