Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Olney.
Washington, July 15, 1896.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a dispatch from Her Majesty’s secretary of state for foreign affairs on the subject of the complaint made in your note to me, No. 363, of 9th April last, that the patrol of the Bering Sea was inadequately performed by Her Majesty’s ships during the sealing season of 1895.
The Marquis of Salisbury desires me to explain to you that the officer commanding Her Majesty’s ship Pheasant was instructed to act in concert with Captain Hooper, the senior officer of the United States patrolling vessels, and that the latter requested him to remain in the vicinity of Unalaska, in order to receive any British vessels seized by the United States cruisers who would undertake the patrolling service.
The commander in chief of the Pacific Squadron considered that one ship was sufficient to receive the captured vessels, and it was understood that Captain Hooper was satisfied with this arrangement.
As I have already had the honor of informing you in my note of May 23 last, three ships will be employed upon the patrol service during the present season. Instructions have also been issued that more cruising is to be carried out than was the case last year.
I have, etc.,