Mr. Olney to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, June 16, 1896.
Excellency: I have the honor to apprise you of the receipt of a communication from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury of the 12th instant, wherein he states that it may be necessary to kill some female seals in order to carry out the purpose of the scientific investigation shortly to be made of the fur-seal herd of the Pribilof Islands. He also [Page 271] adds that it may likewise prove expedient to kill seals within the 60-mile zone award, and a few female seals upon those islands.
In view of existing laws and arrangements between the two Governments by which the killing of female seals on the Pribilof Islands, or within a radius of 60 miles from the Pribilof group, is prohibited, I have the honor to suggest the advisability of an agreement between the two Governments to the effect that the scientists representing the respective Governments may be given the liberty to kill seals, either on the islands or within the prohibited zone, to such extent and in such manner as the purpose of their investigation may require.
The Department will appreciate any action on your part that may expedite a response from Her Majesty’s Government to this proposition.
I have, etc.,