Mr. Uhl to Mr. Olney.

No. 137.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 135, of the 24th instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of a letter received by the United States consul at Nuremberg from Mr. Paul Rosenheim, in regard to his father’s return to and his continued residence in Bavaria.

It appears that Mr. Rosenheim, sr., went back to Germany about seven months after his naturalization as an American citizen; that he at first spent about three months at Karlsruhe, in Baden—the native city of his wife—and then went to Wurzburg, in Bavaria, his own native country; that he paid a three months’ visit to New York in 1868 and another visit of four months in 1869, and that soon after this, his last visit to the United States, he in 1870 liquidated his business and settled himself in Wurzburg, where he has since continued to reside; all of which serves merely as cumulative evidence of the fact that he renewed [Page 220] his residence in his native country without the intent to return to America, and thereby renounced his naturalization in the United States at least eight years before the birth of his son Paul.

I have, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl.
[Inclosure in No. 137.—Translation.]

Mr. Rosenheim to Mr. Black.

In reply to your favor I beg to say that my father (after having received his passport) left the United States on the Cimbria about May 4, 1867, accompanied by my mother and his children.

This ship was destined for Hamburg. In the beginning my parents resided about three months in Karlsruhe, but then they removed to Wurzburg. In 1868 my father went over again, lived about three months in New York, and returned then to Wurzburg.

In September, 1869, my father went for the last time to New York, and returned in January, 1870. Since that time he resides here. He liquidated his business at the end of 1870.

Very respectfully,

Paul Rosenheim.