Baron von Thielmann to Mr. Olney.


Mr. Secretary of State: In my note of the 24th ultimo, relative to the insane seaman, Franck (to which your excellency has, in the meantime replied by your note of February 28, No. 109), I stated that the name of the steamer Maria Elizabeth did not appear in the latest list of German vessels.

I have now ascertained that the aforesaid steamer, which formerly went by the name of Driffield, and sailed under the British flag, became the property of J. D. Bischoff, of Vegesack, near Bremen, only a few months ago, and that since then she has sailed under the German flag. This is the reason why her present name is not found in the aforesaid list.

I did not wish to neglect, Mr. Secretary of State, to inform you of this fact, and I avail myself, etc.,
