Mr. Patenôtre to Mr. Olney.
Washington, July 22, 1896.
Mr. Secretary of State: By order of my Government, I have the honor to acquaint your excellency that the law intended to sanction the annexation of Madagascar, which had been determined by our Chamber of Deputies, has been ratified by the Senate. It is worded thus:
The island of Madagascar, with its dependent islands, is declared a French colony.
This law, which in clearly defining the new situation of Madagascar, answering to the desiderata stated in your dispatch of the 2d of May last, implies the abrogation of the particular conventions formerly signed by the Hova Government, for which is substituted the system of conventions in use in the French colonies.
It has, consequently, the effect of extending to the great African island the whole of the conventions concluded between France and the United States, which are henceforward to replace the Madagascar treaty of May 13, 1881.
Requesting you to acknowledge the receipt of these declarations, I avail myself, etc.,