According to these advices the gentlemen in question were received, both
officially and privately, with the high consideration to which they were
entitled as representatives of the commercial and manufacturing
interests of a great nation which is connected with our own by close
bonds of friendship and regard. During their stay in our country they
were the object of cordial demonstrations, and every possible effort was
made to assist them in the fulfillment of their mission, special express
trains being furnished to them to enable them to travel over a part of
our fertile country, and the Government detailing a high officer of the
ministry of finance to accompany them as the representative of that
ministry, the said officer being able to furnish to them the data and
information which they were most interested in knowing.
The delegates of the National Association of Manufacturers were thus
enabled, notwithstanding the rapidity of their journey, to get a general
idea of the facilities and resources of all kinds that are offered by
our rich country for the development of commercial relations with the
United States, and their pleasant visit may go far toward drawing closer
those relations which are destined to assume vast importance under the
aegis of the mutual facilities which now exist and which it is to be
hoped may exist in future for the benefit of both nations.
I communicate these data to your excellency with real pleasure, and by
way of completing them I am happy to inclose a copy of the decree issued
by my Government on the 20th of July last, ordering an abstract of
geographical and statistical information relative to the Republic to be
printed for distribution among the members of the American
Buenos Aires, July 20, 1896.
Decree designating Dr. Francisco Latzina to furnish
to the commission of delegates of the National Association of
American Manufacturers such statistical information as they may
1. A delegation of North American manufacturers and merchants is soon
to visit this Republic for the purpose of examining the financial
and commercial condition of the country, and of collecting data and
information with a view to promoting the interchange of productions
and merchandise between the two nations; and whereas:
2. It is highly expedient that the largest possible amount of
statistical information, such as may be calculated to promote the
better performance of the task entrusted to it, be furnished to that
commission without delay, and that it be supplied with all reports,
both verbal and in writing, that it may require for the purpose
aforesaid: Now therefore,
The President of the Republic decrees as follows:
Article 1. Doctor Francisco Latzina, chief
of the bureau of statistics of the Republic, is hereby designated to
accomyany the aforesaid commission of North American manufacturers
and capitalists, as the representative of the department of finance,
from the time of their arrival in the Republic, and to furnish to
them such data and information as they may desire.
Art. 2. The chief of the national bureau of
statistics is further instructed to prepare, as speedily as
possible, a geographical and statistical report concerning the
business of the Republic, which shall embrace the subjects below
mentioned, and which shall be published together with a general
The number of tons of wheat, flax, Indian corn, wool, and butter
exported from the country, and the number of hides and of cattle,
and the quantity of beef, both jerked and frozen, that has been
exported during each one of the last ten years, with the value of
each article and the name of the country to which it has been
The increase in the number of banking houses during the same period,
with the capital invested in banks and the number of banks in the
Republic, together with the name of the parent house of each
The increase in the number of manufacturing houses in the Republic
during the last ten years, in each of the most important branches of
Steamship companies owning lines of steamers sailing between this
port and other countries, with the number of steamers and the ports
to which they sail.
The number of vessels that have entered and sailed from the ports of
the Republic during each of the last five years, with a statement of
their nationality, the ports from which they sailed, and those to
which they were bound.
The number of slaughterhouses in the Republic, with their capacity
and the number of animals slaughtered annually.
The number of head of cattle annually sold in the markets of Buenos
Aires for home consumption.
The number of head of cattle, sheep, and horses in the Republic, with
a statement of the increase or diminution of each during the last
five years.
The annual increase of hectares of wheat, Indian corn, and flax in
each province.
The average price, in gold, that has been paid during each of the
last five years for wool, wheat, and cattle.
The number of flouring mills in the Republic, with their capacity,
and the quantity of flour annually produced.
Value of the imports from each country during the last ten years.
Miles of railway in the Republic, with data relative to freights and
prices of same; also statistics as to earnings.
Population and emigration statistics by countries during the last ten
Average wages earned by the various kinds of laborers, etc.
Art. 3. The representative thus designated
may apply, directly, to all the public departments of the nation, to
the governments of the provinces, and all commercial houses for the
data and information required for the work entrusted to him.
Art. 4. The necessary instructions will be
given him by the treasury department.
Art. 5. Let it be communicated to all the
Government departments to the end that they may adopt the necessary
measures, and likewise to the governors of the provinces. Let it be
inserted in the National Register.