Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey.

No. 61.]

Sir: I have had the honor to receive your special No. 89, of the 17th instant, in which yon communicate to me the purport of a telegram received by you from His Excellency Tevfik Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, acquainting you with the substance of notes addressed to him by Minister Terrell, expressing satisfaction with the conduct of the Turkish authorities during the recent disorders and favorably referring in particular to their efforts to protect the lives and property of the miss onaries and American citizens at Harpoot, Marsovan, Aintab, and Marash.

The last mail brings me a dispatch from Mr. Terrell, under date of December 5, inclosing copy of a note addressed by him to the minister for foreign affairs of the same date, which appears to be one of those to which your communication refers. Mr. Terrell therein takes occasion to mention five high officers of the Porte, military and civil, at Harpoot, Marsovan, Aintab, and Amassia as, in his opinion, deserving the highest praise for their conduct toward the protection of the lives of American missionaries and expresses his deep satisfaction on hearing of their meritorious deportment. Their names are: Mehmet Bey, alai beyi of Harpoot; the kaimakam of Aintab; Beker Pasha, moutessarif of Amassia; the kaimakam of Marsovan, and the colonel commanding the troops at Marsovan.

Accept, etc.,

Richard Olney.