Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey.

No. 45.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, communicating the substance of information received by your Government from the imperial authorities of Bitlis to the effect that Mr. George Knapp, an American missionary, had incited the Armenian members of the administrative council and courts of that place either to resign or remain away from their post of duty on pretense of illness. This proceeding is characterized by the acting governor-general of Bitlis as a violation of law and liable to occasion fresh disturbances.

Copy of your note will be sent to the United States minister at Constantinople, with instruction to investigate the alleged action of Mr. Knapp and, if it be shown that he has acted in the reprehensible manner you describe, to invite the managing agent of the society to which Mr. Knapp belongs to take such steps as may be proper to prevent his following a course which can obviously meet with no sympathy from the missionary board of which he is a dependent, besides being contrary to the injunctions given by the American boards to their agents in Turkey to scrupulously observe the laws and refrain from any act outside of their legitimate function of preaching and teaching.

Accept, etc.,

Richard Olney.