Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 659.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 656, of the 30th instant, I have the honor to inform you that a telegram from Mr. Hampson, at Moush, to the British embassy, a copy of which is inclosed, induced me to request Mr. Herbert, British chargé d’affaires, to telegraph to the American missionaries who are in British employment that they should now decide for themselves whether they would leave Sassoun at present. My note and telegram to Mr. Herbert are inclosed, and also copy of telegram sent by myself to the missionaries. I also inclose copy of my telegram to you of the 31st instant on the same subject.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Page 1333]
[inclosure 1 in No. 659.]

Mr. Sampson to British Embassy.

The Mussulmans demanded recall of missionaries from Sassoun because they pretend to believe that the latter are inciting Armenians to attack Mussulmans of Moush. Moutessarif, who is violently anti-Protestant, refused to take any responsibility or give opinion. All the principal Mussulmans adhere to their demand. Armenians dread massacre next Friday. Missionaries themselves are most unwilling to leave Sassoun, fearing the worst results from panic which would ensue.

I made following communication to moutessarif verbally, as coming from embassy:

If the moutessarif states that recall of missionaries is necessary for tranquillity of Moush, you may recall them temporarily. Anyhow moutessarif is responsible for tranquility of Moush and safety of missionaries.

Moutessarif at last formally answered that although inhabitants of Moush demanded recall of missionaries he saw no necessity for it, and he would guarantee that there would be no disturbance here in any case. I told him I should telegraph this to you.

Under these circumstances I think recall of missionaries would be humiliating and risk panic in Sassoun. More Koordish murders and outrages reported from all sides.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 659.]

Mr. Terrell to Mr. Herbert.

Sir: Have just received copy of Mr. Hampson’s telegram dated Moush, October 30, and directed to British embassy.

Whether the American missionaries shall leave the district of Sassoun after assurances of their safety from the moutessarif, as stated in Mr. Hampson’s telegram, should be determined by the missionaries themselves, who can best judge of conditions and tendencies.

Very sincerely,

A. W. Terrell.
[Inclosure 3 in No. 659.—Telegram.]

Mr. Terrell to Mr. Herbert.

Please telegraph Acting Consul Hampson, Moush, that American minister wishes the missionaries to decide for themselves whether they will leave Sassoun at present, safety being promised by moutessarif.

[Inclosure 4 in No. 659.—Telegram.]

Mr. Terrell to missionaries.

Have demanded protection. Decide for yourselves about remaining.
