Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell.
Washington, November 22, 1895.
Sir: Your No. 654, of October 28 last, in relation to the case of Melcoun Guedjian, is accompanied by a copy of your note to the Porte of October 28, 1895, written before the receipt of my telegram of November 1, in which note you intimate that upon refusal of your just demands in Guedjian’s regard you would be constrained to inform your Government and request authority to demand your passports.
Your later advices reporting the promise of the Turkish Government that Guedjian should be at once brought to Constantinople indicate that your earnest demands have borne fruit, and as you have intimated to the Porte in a later communication remove the necessity for immediately considering the propriety of your proposed action in regard to demanding your passports.
I am, etc.,