Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.
Constantinople, October 14, 1895. (Received Oct. 28.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 623, of September 15, I have the honor to inform you that Creecor Arakelian last week finally departed from the [Page 1299] Ottoman Empire. He manifested great reluctance to leave, although he had been imprisoned for seven weeks at Marsovan, and was told by the minister of police, through the consul-general, on his arrival here, that his presence in the Empire was objectionable, and that the authorities viewed him with suspicion on account of the compromising documents which had been found in his possession. He declared that he had no money, and that he would not leave unless the passage was paid for him, although at the time he wore a handsome gold watch. It was only after repeated warnings of the danger he incurred of assassination at the hands of fanatical Moslems, and by informing him that I could not oppose his expulsion by the Turkish authorities, if he persisted in his refusal, that he was prevailed upon to produce the money for his journey and set out on his voyage. A cavass from the legation saw him safely on board his steamer.
I have, etc.,