Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation, of the United States,
Constantinople, August 4, 1895.
(Received Aug. 19.)
No. 585.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information the copy of dispatch No. 118, of the 20th ultimo, from
Consul Jewett in regard to the imprisonment of Krekor Arakelian at
Marsovan, and in which Mr. Jewett exxuesses his fear that a massacre of
Christians may occur. I also inclose my response to Mr. Jewett’s
dispatch. Missionaries, and Mr. Jewett as well, have been so often
mistaken about an impending massacre as to justify the hope that Consul
Jewett’s apprehensions may be groundless.
I will, however, renew my demand at the Porte for the adoption of all
proper precautionary measures.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Jewett to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
Sivas, July 20, 1895.
No. 118.]
Sir: I have not yet received the telegram
and letter which Krekor Arakelian sent me about July 3 and 7 in
regard to his imprisonment. I suppose he is still in prison. The
Government has not yet reported to me in regard to the matter.
I feel that my position is a very weak one in regard to this affair,
as I made no protest to the Government in regard to the imprisonment
and reported ill-treatment of an American citizen. I am awaiting
I am told that Arakelian went to America with his parents when a
small boy, and that his parents are citizens of the United States
and still reside there.
I regard the present situation as a very critical one for Christians
[Page 1297]
the provinces. I
think an outbreak of hostilities between Mohammedans and Armenians
may be apprehended. The Armenians are getting more bold and
desperate; the Turks are getting more morose. Everything is quiet
here, but there is a feeling of extreme tension on all sides. The
Turks are carrying arms more than ever. Sivas, Karahis-san, and
Zarra have recently received powder from the military depot at
Erzinghan, and it is being sold freely to theKoords and Turks, but
none to the Christians.
At Marsovan July 13 an extensive fire occurred, burning, it is
reported, a new Government school building, the house of the
kaimakam, 30 houses, 20 shops, and 3 khans. The fire originated in
the school building, and was discovered an hour or two after the
kaimakam and other officials had left the building. The son of the
watchman was burned to death in the school building.
An Armenian, regarded as a “traitor,” was assassinated at Marsovan on
the morning following the fire. Numerous Armenians have been
arrested. The Turks say the Armenians set the fire. It is reported
that they have met in the mosques and discussed the advisability of
a general massacre of the Christians. There is a great feeling of
insecurity both at Marsovan and Amasia.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Terrell to
Mr. Short.
United States Legation,
Constantinople, August 4, 1895.
No. 109.]
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of
Mr. Jewett’s 118, of the 20th ultimo, inclosed in your 143, of the
29th ultimo, which relates to the imprisonment of Krekor Arakelian,
and in which he expresses the opinion that his position “is a very
weak one,” since he has made no protest against the imprisonment and
ill treatment of an American citizen.
Mr. Jewett’s conduct in not demanding to know the charges against
Arakelian and demanding his release (if not arrested for conspiracy
against the Government) can only be explained on the theory that he
has failed to understand his instructions. He may have been misled
by your predecessor. You will renew the call upon Mr. Jewett, which
you were formerly instructed to make, for the instructions which
restrain him from extending his protection to naturalized citizens
of the United States of Armenian origin. Inform him that no citizen
of that class is ever permitted to remain in prison here; that the
release of all such men is promptly demanded and as promptly made,
though Turkey, under the authority of the President’s message, is
permitted to exclude or deport those recently naturalized without
the consent of the Sultan.
Mr. Jewett should also be instructed that Turkey can not treat the
naturalization of a native of Turkey as an offense, and either
imprison him for that cause or on mere suspicion that he has
committed an offense. The threatening condition of affairs at
Marsovan and in other provinces, to which Mr. Jewett refers, only
emphasizes the necessity for caution and prudence on the part of
Americans. The unjust suspicion pervades all classes that
missionaries are responsible for the spirit of sedition, and that
the popular prejudice against Turkey in England and America is due
to missionary influence.
[Page 1298]
While this opinion prevails there will be always danger of a
fanatical outbreak. Against violence to our people from any cause
the Turkish Government has repeatedly assured me that it had
abundantly provided.
I have, etc.,