Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey.
September 17, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 13th instant, in which, confirming your note of August 18 last in relation to the incident of the reported attack upon the St. Paul Institute at Tarsus, you inclose a translation of a telegram addressed by the governor-general of the vilayet of Adana to the Sublime Porte on the 14th of August last, stating that a letter had been received from the United States consul thanking him for the satisfactory settlement of the incident in question, and that Mr. Christie, accompanied by the dragoman of the consulate, had expressed, for his own part, thanks for the efforts made by the Imperial authorities.
The expected report of the United States consul at Beirut, who had been requested by Mr. Terrell to investigate the occurrence at Tarsus, has not yet reached the Department; but I am pleased to receive your intimation that the incident has reached a satisfactory conclusion.
Accept, etc.,